How to Maximize Free Book Promotions

February 3, 2012 · 66 comments

Have you signed up with KDP Select? Wondering how to best utilize the 5 free promotional days available? At Pixel of Ink, we have a little advice from the trends we’ve noticed so far…

How Many Days?

By the far the most important tip we can provide at this time, is schedule free books to run for at least 2 days in a row! Why? Many people really enjoy sharing deals with friends and family, and it’s important that they have enough time to help you promote your book. Many sites that promote free books, such as ours, have thousands of readers that subscribe via email and often read the emails the following day.

A second day gives time for the promotion to build momentum and pick up steam. Which leads into our next most often asked question…

Thousands of Downloads? Is This Good?

Have you caught yourself asking this question: “My book has been downloaded thousands of times, is this good? What should I do?”

Thousands of downloads is fantastic, and our advice is to extend the promotion! This means what you are doing is working! Your book is getting the kind of attention that money cannot buy!

On the other hand, ending the promotion mid-stream tends to kill the momentum almost instantly. This isn’t generally the goal, so hitting the brakes is not recommended. We say, ride the wave and enjoy your success!

Promote Your Free Promotion!

The last (but not the least) tip is to line up promotional advertising for your free promotion ahead of time. Be sure to let bloggers and book sites, know that your book is going to be free, and for how long it will be free. Otherwise there is no guarantee that anyone will notice it given the amount of free books available.

In Conclusion…

  • Run free promotions for at least 2 days in a row
  • Avoid the first of the month when selecting a date
  • When things are going well, extend your promotions
  • Let bloggers know about your free promotions
  • Ride the wave, and enjoy your success!

We hope these Free Book Promotion Tips are helpful to you!

